Category: cDNA

Comparative evaluation of cDNA library construction approaches for RNA-Seq analysis from low RNA-content human specimens.

Comparative evaluation of cDNA library construction approaches for RNA-Seq analysis from low RNA-content human specimens.Comparative evaluation of cDNA library construction approaches for RNA-Seq analysis from low RNA-content human specimens.

With the emergence of RNA sequencing applied sciences, metatranscriptomic research are quickly gaining consideration as they concurrently present perception into gene expression profiles and subsequently illness affiliation pathways of microbial

Extraction of high-quality tissue-specific RNA from London plane trees (Platanus acerifolia), permitting the construction of a female inflorescence cDNA library

Extraction of high-quality tissue-specific RNA from London plane trees (Platanus acerifolia), permitting the construction of a female inflorescence cDNA libraryExtraction of high-quality tissue-specific RNA from London plane trees (Platanus acerifolia), permitting the construction of a female inflorescence cDNA library

The London airplane tree (Platanus acerifolia Willd.) has world significance as an city landscaping tree and is the topic of genetic-improvement applications for productive sterility, illness and/or insect resistance. Molecular